Couple Slammed For Sorting Wedding Guests Into Priority Categories

Bizarre By Sabrina / February, 11, 2025

Because of the coronavirus pandemic, there is a strict limitation on the number of guests allowed to attend the wedding. This left a couple in a dilemma on whom to invite to their wedding. So, they decided to deal with it by placing the wedding invites into three categories of priority.

Guests who were their first priority were listed in category A, while those who were in category B would be able to attend if people in category A won’t be able to make it. The people who were placed in category C were back-ups to the back-ups.

The invites clearly state in which group the guest has been placed and read, “Dear friends and family, please understand that our venue is limited in the number of guests we will be able to accommodate for our wedding day.”

It further read that as much as the couple would love to have each and everyone to join them on their big day, they were forced to split the guests into groups to ensure that they do not surpass the capacity restrictions.

Group A guests were told to RSVP as soon as possible so their spaces could be filled or given to back-ups if they were unable to make it. On the other hand, groups B and C were told to keep an eye on their websites for updates.

In addition to this, the couple encouraged the guests to hire a babysitter for the night and leave their children at home. The couple admitted that they loved kids but they were trying their best to make space for all the guests.

The couple hoped that the single guests would understand and forego their plus ones if it was possible.

The system which the couple adopted left the people bewildered after it was shared on Reddit. Many people pointed out that the couple should have waited for their first choices to respond, rather than telling others they had not made the first cut.

One of the users said that whether there is a pandemic or not, putting guests into prioritized groups and then telling everyone which group they are in is rude.

Another one said, “I don’t want to attend a wedding that I’m only going to be invited to if someone else can’t go.”

There were people who didn’t have any problem with the system as it seemed completely acceptable due to COVID-19 restrictions. They said that they would not have been offended to be in group B or C.

The post Couple Slammed For Sorting Wedding Guests Into Priority Categories appeared first on Lighter Minds.