Teenagers Fake Propose To Get Free Dessert And People Approve

Funny By David / January, 09, 2025

If you are cheeky, confident and do not mind telling a white lie then you are going to do just fine in pretending and getting some free drinks. These teenagers will surely be your heroes because they just took pretending to another level. Alex Nagle, 17 and Cati Domitrovich, 19 two best friends went out for dinner and pulled a stunt to cheer themselves after a terrible and upsetting week.

The duo from Texas had planned it all from the beginning. They went to a fancy restaurant for dinner and pretended to be a couple very much in love for the whole time. They had an engagement ring with them the whole time, though a fake one but a ring. When Cati went to the bathroom Nagle told the waiter that he was going to propose and requested the waiter to take pictures.

Cati knew what her friend was going to do but the waiter thought that it was a surprise for her. They did not know that the whole restaurant would buy their act. They did not know that they could pretend that well. Everybody clapped for them and congratulated them for their new beginning. They got their free dessert for which they did all the acting and pretending.

The teenagers posted it online and the attention they got for their stunt is unrealistic. Their post on twitter was shared for almost 28,000 times and got 54,000 hits. People are wondering why they haven’t tried it yet. Some were so excited about the free desserts that they already have bought their fake engagement rings. Many people are up for this face act of a proposal, it is sure that in no time it will get huge attention.

Our pranksters want to try this fake act at new fancy restaurants since nobody regrets free desserts. Though the restaurants will soon catch up on this fake act when the word spreads, until then they are good to go with their fact act to get free desserts and attention.

The post Teenagers Fake Propose To Get Free Dessert And People Approve appeared first on Lighter Minds.


The teenagers posted it online and the attention they got for their stunt is unrealistic. Their post on twitter was shared for almost 28,000 times and got 54,000 hits. People are wondering why they haven’t tried it yet. Some were so excited about the free desserts that they already have bought their fake engagement rings. Many people are up for this face act of a proposal, it is sure that in no time it will get huge attention.


Our pranksters want to try this fake act at new fancy restaurants since nobody regrets free desserts. Though the restaurants will soon catch up on this fake act when the word spreads, until then they are good to go with their fact act to get free desserts and attention.


The post Teenagers Fake Propose To Get Free Dessert And People Approve appeared first on Lighter Minds.

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